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Champ regular extra blue dog 20 kg

LE 4,500.00 
SKU: 8714737000319

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Super Premium Regular Extra AC 2616

Available in packs of 10 kg and 20 kg. 

Product Overview:

This extruded super premium product with high values is a premium feed based on poultry ingredients and is ideal for working dogs or dogs that are under heavy strain. Regular Extra is also exceptionally suited for growing dogs and dogs which (by nature) do not eat enough. The fibrous carob ensures that stools remain compact under all circumstances. As an added benefit your dog will have a beautiful shiny coat. As all the ingredients are present in the right proportions, Regular Extra is perfect for the active (sports) dog. Thanks to its composition, which includes the right vitamins, it has a positive effect on dogs sensitive to stress. Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids are present in the optimal ratio, 5:1.

Ingredients & Nutrition:

Ingredients / composition:
Meat source: Chicken, Proportion of meat: 28%, grains, vegetable protein extracts, minerals, oils, fats and Brewer’s Yeast, extra carob.
Analytical Constituents:
Rough protein 26%, Rough fat 16%, Rough ash 7.5%, Rough fibre 2.5%, Moisture 9.5%, Calcium mg/kg 1.5, Phosphorus mg/kg 1, Sodium g/kg 3, Lecithin g/kg 5
Nutritional additives:
Vitamin A 15.000 IE/kg, Vitamin D3 1.400 IE/kg, Vitamin E 130 mg/kg